Que el públic comprengui o no, l'artista no ha de cedir en res (Julio González)

domingo, noviembre 13, 2005

inq around the world (3)

Aquest cop inq viatja a La Habana. Gràcies als tres amics que es van distreure a dibuixar i pintar les lletres. La imatge del Che no us evoca canvis? revolució? Bé... aquestes són algunes lletres sobre revolució al món de la música. Segur que n'hi ha més, però...
1. You say you want a revolution / well, you now / we all want to change the world... (Beatles)
2. The revolution stars now / when you rise above your fear / and tear the walls around you down... (Steve Earle)
3. We don't need a revolution in the summertime / we don't need a revolution anytime... (Cosmic Rough Riders)
4. It takes a revolution to make a solution / too much confusion, so much frustration, eh!... (Bob Marley)
5. That time is right / to star thinkin' about a little... revolution! (Spacemen 3)
6. It's raining revolution / it's raining solutions... (Arrested Development)
7. You can kill the revolutionary / but you can't kill the revolution (Rage against the machine)
8. Know (grow show) / Pure Love/ Revolution just Evolution / this war zone is not a home / Grow and Show/ Pure Love / Revolution just Evolution (Earth, Wind & Fire)
9. ...number 9, number 9, number 9...

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